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Regular Feature

Insanely Annoying

This section is all about the thing that can cost you your life if you confront me, Ben Long, with it. This issue it is about musical yo, yo's (DEATH TO THEM ALL). I can control myself( BURN THEM ALL! SMASH 'EM ALL! DOWN WITH THE MUSICAL YO,YO'S!) really I can. Oh, and the small places that they can fit into if forced, it's amazing isn't it? It's also amazing how annoying the forever music is that comes out of it, and the silly tunes that keep going on and on and on and on AND ON AND ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has driven me insane (But only when I hear them honest!) well all I can say is (DESTROY THEM ALL!) that they can be (KILLED, I TELL YOU, REALLY) quiet Annoying. (DON'T LISTEN TO THEIR LIES!!! THEY ARE REALLY PLOTING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! WE MUST STOP THEM NOW!!!!) the people who made them (CAN'T HIDE FROM ME FOREVER!) must have been (OUT OF THER MINDS!!!!!!!!!!) really sad and boring!

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